Training for Management Associations
During November 2013 DAC trained, in its offices in Buenos Aires, the technical staff that will be in charge of the sister entity DASC, which will manage the rights of Colombian and foreign audiovisual directors through the mutual representation with associations all over the world and within the framework of the professional standards of CISAC – Confederación Internacional de Sociedades de Autores y Compositores (International Confederation of Authors and Composers Associations) – located in Paris, which groups 232 associations of authors and composers from all over the world.
Latest News
Members of ADAL
Societies of Screenwriters belonging to ADAL
To support the creation of Audiovisual Authors’ Right Management Associations in Latin America, sponsored by CISAC´s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean–Confederación Internacional de Sociedad de Autores y Compositores (International Confederation of Authors and Composers Associations).
International Confederation of Authors and Composers Associations
© ADAL / Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance /
Pro Tempore Direction DASC - DIRECTORES COLOMBIA - Audiovisual Directors Colombian Association
114th Street # 47a-88 2nd Floor
Bogotá, Colombia - Tel .: +57 (1) 9262059 - E-mail:
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