New Annual Congress of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors FESAAL

The Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors will hold their upcoming annual congress in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on October 2nd and 3rd, which once again will gather Authors and technicians of their member Latin American CMOs.

After its Technical Committee Meeting, carried out in the city of Buenos Aires during this past month of May, the FESAAL – Federation of Societies of Latin American Audiovisual Authors – will hold their Annual Congress in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, during October 2nd and 3rd, which once again will gather Authors and representatives of the founder member societies together with their technicians, in a congress with a comprehensive agenda which will discuss the next objectives of the Federation, the territory´s current panorama regarding Authors´Righs and the cooperation and international collaboration which FESAAL is part of, together with their sister Alliances.

Representatives of the developing Latin American societies of Panama, Peru and Paraguay, adjoin to the Federation, will also be present, sharing the progresses they have had as well as their present needs, in each of the cases, in order to keep moving forward with the constitution of societies which represent the rights of Audiovisual Authors in each of their territories.

The first journey of this congress will include the first meeting of Latin American women of the audiovisual industry, a panel where all female Authors of the Federation will participate, which reunites them for the first time, with the purpose of discussing gender equality in the audiovisual industry in Latin America, to convey the necessary importance and global dimension of the need to continue working in the territory, towards gender equality in the audiovisual sector, exchanging experiences and debating about which gender policies should be achieved in the territory and how to work on them collectively, with the Societies as a starting ground.

For the inauguration of the Congress, and pronouncing the opening words, we will count with the welcome of the Major of Cartagena de Indias, Mr. Pedrito Pereira Caballero. Besides, Dr. Carolina Romero – Director of the National Direction of Authors ‘ Rights in Colombia, DNDA – will be present. She will take part in the annual FESAAL congress for the first time, to give the Authors a welcome and present an introduction of the actual situation regarding Authors´ Rights within the territory of Colombia.

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Members of ADAL

[bandera] CHILE

Society of Audiovisual Directors, Screenwriters and Playwrights

[bandera] ARGENTINA

Directors Argentina

[bandera] COLOMBIA

Audiovisual Directors Colombian Association

[bandera] BRASIL

Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors

[bandera] MÉXICO

Audiovisual Work Makers, Public Interest Collective Management Association

[bandera] PARAGUAY

Collective entity of management of audiovisual authors of Paraguay

Societies of Screenwriters belonging to ADAL

[bandera] ARGENTINA

General Society of Authors of Argentina

[bandera] BRASIL

Society of Writers Authors Rights

[bandera] COLOMBIA

Colombian Society of Audiovisual, Theatre, Radio and New Technology Writers

[bandera] MÉXICO

General Society of Writers of Mexico

[bandera] MÉXICO

Society of Cinema, Radio and Television Scriptwriters and Screenwriters

To support the creation of Audiovisual Authors’ Right Management Associations in Latin America, sponsored by CISAC´s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean–Confederación Internacional de Sociedad de Autores y Compositores (International Confederation of Authors and Composers Associations).

International Confederation of Authors and Composers Associations

© ADAL / Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance /

Pro Tempore Direction DASC - DIRECTORES COLOMBIA - Audiovisual Directors Colombian Association
114th Street # 47a-88 2nd Floor Bogotá, Colombia - Tel .: +57 (1) 9262059 - E-mail:

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